NOMIEX-5 HN TAIYANG : LOCALIZZAZIONE [protected] Location (  Ex-5HN Supreme Yang TAIYANG – Acupuncture Points ) On the temple, in a depression approximately 1 cun lateral to the midpoint of a line connecting the lateral extremity of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye. How to find On the temple, first, draw a line between the lateral extremity of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye. Next, palpate from the midpoint of this line in a lateral direction, until you can feel a distinct depression in the temporal bone. Ex-5HN (taiyang) is located in the centre of this depression. This point tends to be pressure-sensitive, especially with temporal headaches. Patients often get relief by using acupressure on this point. Needling 0.5–0.6 cun vertical insertion into the temporal muscle or obliquely in a lateral direction or transversely (subcutaneously) towards ➞ 8GB . This point often bleeds when…

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