Ex-1 LE
NOMIEx-1 LE KUANGU : LOCALIZZAZIONE [protected] Location ( Ex-1LE Hip Bone KUANGU – Acupuncture Points ) A pair of points 2 cun superior to the patella and 1.5 cun lateral and medial to ➞ 34ST (liangqiu). How to find First, locate ➞ 34ST: measure 2 cun superiorly from the lateral upper border of the patella and there locate ➞34ST in a depression on the vastus lateralis muscle. Then locate Ex-1LE 1.5 cun lateral and medial to ➞ 34ST. Needling Vertically 1–1.5 cun Actions/Indications ● Alleviate pain FUNZIONI CLINICA COMBINAZIONI BIBLIOGRAFIA [/protected]…